Euroelec Smart Energy has a “Smart and sustainable buildings” competitiveness pole.
The tertiary residential is the second transmitter of CO2 in France, with 25% of the CO2 emissions.
Nowadays, the energetic bill of buildings is close to 44% of the global bill in France, evaluated in 2012 at 69 Mds €, which is 30.36Mds € (+11% in relation with the previous year).
The energetic efficiency of the buildings is then a real issue.
Euroelec-Smart Energy and its partners intervene at the heart of smart and sustainable buildings and commit themselves to give you a low energy consumption building. (BEPOS)
We have a triple objective in terms of the development of the smart and sustainable buildings:
The integration of eco-friendly energies
The improvement of energetic efficiency.
The active energy efficiency aims at optimizing the consumption of buildings by higher energy savings: to control by building management the approach allows working in a global way (on the completeness of the building segmented (by applications or by zones).
Euroelec-Smart Energy works on solutions such as:
- Intelligent Systems of control and regulation
- Heat pump
- Geothermal science
- Ventilation(Breakdown) and the Provençal Well
- Home automation
- Correction of the Power factor
- Relamping
The integration of IT technologies allowing a higher comfort level.
THE IOT (or Internet of Objects) allied to the artificial intelligence allows us to glimpse very interesting perspectives where the user will not need to take control his equipment anymore. The analysis of our behavior will allow objects to offer us the best solution to our needs.
Euroelec-Smart Energy offers you a large range of solutions in order to fulfill your increasing needs in terms of energetic efficiency and of sustainable development.
Buildings are the main triggers of the optimization of energetic efficiency and of the reduction of CO2 emissions in cities. According to a study on buildings, published in 2012 by the ADEME, the building sector in France is the biggest energy final consumer.
The tertiary residential sector represents 44% of the total energy final consumption, against 32% for transports and 21% for industries in 2011.
We assure project management for smart and sustainable buildings’ construction.
Our teams are composed of engineers specialized in:
- High and low voltage electrical installation
- CVC thermic installations (heating, ventilation, air conditioning),
- IT installations (Home automation, building management system (BMS) control of video surveillance access).
36, rue des Bernardins
+33 9 81 07 13 39